Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1960s Cocktail Party Fun!

For New Year's Eve, we threw a 1960s cocktail party at our house. It was so much fun! Low lighting, old records constantly a-spin, and toothpick-stabbed appetizers galore. We scored a fancy metal cocktail shaker at the thrift store, to make fancy things like manhattans and martinis. (But I ended up just drinking spiced rum & coke all night, heehee!)
Most of our friends play music, so we cleared out the living room and set up all our music equipment so we could have a sort of open mic with all our friends. (My favorite part of the night was when Franklin & our friend Henry played weezer songs from the blue album. Oh, sweet nostalgia.)

A video of our friends Jeremy (Leaf Colors)&  Henry (The Fortnight) playing Auld Lang Syne. It is so much fun to listen to drunk people play music. It's all sorts of chaotic hollering and clattering madness, I love it. I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve! My resolution is to be more social, and go on more adventures. What about you guys?



  1. Hey lady! This is awesome!! What a great idea for a New Year's Eve party, and the 60s are my favorite :) My resolution is to start writing in my blog more and self-love. Haha, that sounds really funny, but basically I just mean taking care of myself and accepting myself for everything that I am, and not getting down on myself when I don't "measure up" to my own standards. It looks like you've already gotten a great start to your resolution! Happy New Year! :)

    1. happy new year to you too! and, those are great resolutions. I need to do the same, in regard to the self-love (and writing in the blog more, actually!). I should just steal your resolutions and add it to mine ;D haha. I hope I do get to see more of your blog posts! I really super dig 'em.

  2. I need to be friends with you so I can come to your fun music dirnking parties. I went to a derby party of my friends parents funny enough once that was similar to what was going on in the video there - it's one of my favorite memories. I love your outfit too - the little hair scarf is totally adorable

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

    1. haha, yes! well, if you're ever in the neighborhood, I will throw another musical drinking party, just for you! haha. musical drunkenness is pretty much always good times. (especially when that involves karaoke, teehee.)


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