Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Song: Hypnotic Regressions

We recorded a new song! Our intention was to make a grunge song, after a night of listening to a bunch of Talulah Gosh & Beat Happening. Instead, we ended up with somethin' pretty surfy soundin'. Not what we intended, but we like how it turned out!

Have a listen! (If the player isn't loading, you can click here to go listen at soundcloud)

We named the song Hypnotic Regressions and the lyrics were inspired by this strange book I found at a used book store a few weeks ago, called "You Were Born Again To Be Together - Documented cases of reincarnation that prove love is immortal". It was written in 1976, by this hypnotist from Arizona who uses regressive hypnosis to send people into their past lives. The book is like, a series of interiews with people he put under hypnosis, from the perspective of their past lives where they first met their significant other. I don't know how accurate it is, but it was a really interesting read! I like to read it when I'm feeling blue, haha. Here's a picture of the book:

(click here for lyrics.)

We have a couple other songs in the works. We just scored a really sweet casio at our secret thrift store the other day, so we're gonna try to make a super beepy keyboard song tonight. huzzah!

Anyway, hope you like our song! it was super fun.


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